Our company was founded on the concept of engaging clients as partners, working together to create synergy and solutions on behalf of the people and communities we serve.
We create partnerships with a tremendous sense of empathy and respect for the challenges facing non-profits in today's world. Susan Conrad, Founder and Chief Strategist, can relate to our partners in a very real way.....
"I have worked in community based nonprofits for over 25 years; for the most part, I truly enjoyed every minute of it. BUT, regardless of the position, program or organization, we always seemed to struggle with how to handle the intensity and reality of the everyday needs and demands of our clients and communities while also trying to get paperwork done, program reports completed, data gathered, policies written/reviewed/updated, supervise our staff with incredible skill and consistency, prepare for site visits by funders and regulators, plan the fundraising events and write the grants. And every time, we swore we would not wait until the last minute again.
But time and time again, time would fly, and deadlines would be staring us in the face. And all of the incredibly detailed work plans we spent hours developing were never fully implemented. What was wrong with us? Why couldn’t we stay on top of things and get it all done?
Here’s the answer – without an ability to clone our expertise and skills, stop time, or compromise client care, NO ONE CAN. So please, if you get nothing else from my experience, stop thinking you are somehow not good enough to figure it all out and get it all done. There are simply not enough hours in the day.
Through Strategic Synergy, llc, I offer individuals, groups and organizations additional capacity, a fresh set of eyes and ears and a different perspective on the challenges and opportunities they face. In partnership, I help them develop a response to effectively manage whatever is on the short- and long-term radar. My role in that response varies greatly depending on the strengths, capacity and needs of my partners."
We welcome the chance to learn more from you and maximize your capacity and impact. Fees are negotiated based on the project, and may be hourly or project-based, depending on factors such as scope, travel, research needs and time commitment.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has"