Our Mission
The mission of Strategic Synergy is to combine your knowledge and commitment with our experience, skills and strategic thinking to achieve your goals and fulfill your mission.
Our comprehensive continuum includes:
Agency and Program Assessment - design, implement and/or evaluate the executive, mid-level and direct service design necessary to achieve program goals and assure compliance with budgetary, regulatory, funding and best practice standards
Interim Agency and Program Leadership - assure contract and funding compliance, provide staff supervision, manage daily operations and maintain community collaborations and partnerships during times of staff vacancy or program transition
Program Development and Implementation - evaluate current status and environment within the context of mission and vision to design and implement a plan for growth and expansion, including compliance and outcome attainment
Productivity and Financial Analysis - Identification and analysis of trends, opportunities and threats
Grant Research, Writing and Management - research and prepare or review applications, including budgets and all required forms, narrative and reports - 90% success rate with federal, state and local funders (public and private)
Supervisory and Leadership Development - assess and coach/mentor to develop skills and maximize performance
Ms. Conrad has implemented and managed projects, programs and organizations with budgets of $5000 to $15 million. With experience in multiple private and public organizations, she has served in executive, management, supervision and direct service positions. This experience fosters significant knowledge of behavioral health, child welfare, and youth and families systems of care.
Specific Accomplishments include:
Program Director for CCBHC implementation
Reorganization of CCBHC, behavioral health, child welfare, family preservation and children’s residential programming at multiple organizations
Successful leadership of children’s Residential Services through provisional license with the Department of Child Welfare Licensing
Increased funding and sustainability across services, programs and organizations.
Successful Grant Application
Drug-free Communities (DFC), on behalf of LAHC - Leaders Advancing and Helping Communities
CCBHC Demonstration (MDHHS) and Improvement and Advancement (SAMHSA) as part of OnPoint management team.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Rural Outreach award, as Director of Program Operations at OnPoint
Federal Basic Center and Street Outreach Programs – Runaway and Homeless Youth Services and Michigan Department of Human Services - Runaway and Homeless Youth program as Program Manager at Arbor Circle
Multiple awards from United Way, Community Foundations, and corporate and family foundations